You may think floor plans only have to do with choosing an apartment, home, or condo. While they are very important in the home search process, a floor plan for your movers is also important when moving day comes around.

Preparing a moving floor plan will help you decide what to take and will also help to direct your movers. It’s not as easy as simply taking the things that were in one bedroom and marking them to go into a new bedroom. Here are some of the things to understand about preparing a floor plan for your movers and for your move.

Consider Where Furniture Will Go

Your moving floor plan starts with furniture, as it needs a place to go in your new home. If possible, print out a floor plan for your new home and try to imagine how your current furniture will fit into the new home.

Not only will this help to mark where you want movers to place your furniture, but it can also show you what fits and what doesn’t when it comes to your current furniture. Moving is a great time to upgrade or replace furniture, but you may also want to keep some or all of the pieces you currently have.

planning for a new home

In addition, if you own furniture you know won’t fit or you don’t want anymore, preparing a moving floor plan will help you realize it. Once you know what you won’t be keeping, it’s time to sell or donate the items you don’t want to move. This will help to save you some cash on moving day and make the day a bit easier.

Take Measurements

The best way to make sure furniture and even wall decor will fit into your new home is to take measurements. Get accurate measurements of each room, along with the wall space, if possible. Then, use these measurements to help figure out where things you want to keep will fit.

It’s also a good idea to note where light switches, electrical outlets, heating vents, ceiling lights, and cables are found within each room. With this information, you can put together a floor plan for your movers and make their job a bit easier.

Consider Other Items in Your Moving Floor Plan

Furniture is the most important item to place in your moving floor plan, but there are other items to consider, too. Plants you want to place in specific rooms, rugs, and decor items should all factor into your floor plan for the movers.

While some items, such as silverware and the coffee maker are obvious choices for the kitchen, not all items will be so cut-and-dry. Make sure you assign each item a place in your new house and write it out. This will help your residential movers know where to place everything, especially if they are unpacking your items for you at your new home.

Before your Professional Movers show up on moving day, take time to create a floor plan for the mover and for you. Your moving floor plan will help to ensure you and your movers know where everything goes. Of course, you can change your mind later, but a good moving floor plan will save you from having to move large pieces of furniture from one room to another.

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